Interesting Links

Alex Rosenblum 


​ACE Personal Trainer

Certified Plant-based Holistic Nutritionist



Universal Yoga.

Personal Training.

Holistic Nutrition.

Looking for me on social media? Not there anymore:) But I'd love for you to come practice with me in person or send me an email:)

​​​"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants." - Michael Pollan.

The food industry is confusing. Nutrition doesn't need to be. Want help? Ask me!  or go check out The Center for Nutrition Studies and Dr. T. Colin Campbell 

​Heeeey- What is Universal Yoga anyway? Click here to learn more about Universal Yoga and here to read more about Lama Andrey Lappa, my teacher and the founder of Universal Yoga.

 "Through practicing yoga asanas (postures) and breathing ... we clean our body internally, and strengthen the muscles, bones, internal organs, nervous system, mind, and emotions. A little bit of practice goes a long way; we don't have to practice for hours on end, to the point of exhaustion. All we have to do is make sure that doing a little bit of practice each day becomes a priority in our lives, and that we do so until practice becomes a habit, a regular part of our daily routine..."

                         -Eddie Stern, One Simple Thing 

"Keep the ethical rules, eat the right food, and lose your ego. That's all. You don't have to put your legs behind your head."

Excellent article on Sri Dharma Mittra

"We should all be eating fruits and vegetables as if our lives depended on it- because they do." - Michael Greger, MD

Dr Greger has literally sorted through EVERY SINGLE scholarly journal article on nutrition so that you don't have to. The consensus? No question: a whole food, plant-based diet. But go check it out for yourself.  

Looking for other Universal Yogis in the US?

See some of my dharma siblings:

Irina Novikova at Solar You Yoga

Raj Patra at Portland Yoga for Life

Sheri Baemmert at Prajna in Wisconsin

Victoria Brunacci at Synergy Yoga in Miami

Tommasina Lash in Atlanta